Question: How do you handle Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok and all the rest ⁠— and still focus on providing the very best care and treatments to your clients?

Answer: A dedicated Social Media Manager. One of the best tools in your marketing arsenal, they can take a load off your plate, while giving you peace of mind that there’s an expert in charge. Here are four reasons you should hire one⁠ — and fast.

1. You just don’t have the time

All that social media planning and posting takes up a whole lot of time and effort. With a business to keep ticking over, running even just one social media account can seem unrealistic. And as a business ourselves, we know there are only so many hours in a day. But the bigger your business profile, the more social media accounts you’re likely to have ⁠— and the trickier it is to keep them all up-to-date.

Being consistently active (that’s both in posting content, and interacting with others on your chosen platforms) can really drain your time and energy. And with juggling all those spinning plates, something’s going to fall. Don’t let that be the treatments you offer, or the quality of your client experience. There are much bigger things for you to focus on, so let your Social Media Manager handle it instead, including:

  • Creating and analysing posts to refine your business plan and meet your goals and targets
  • Responding to client queries and handling complaints and feedback
  • Growing your online network, not just with clients, but with other businesses and influencers
  • Advertising your treatments and services to targeted demographics
  • Building trust with others, raising your business profile and handling your online reputation

2. You don’t understand how to gather and analyse data

So you’re posting on social media⁠ — great! But do you know what’s working well? Have you got an eye on what’s just gone viral⁠ — ready to jump on the next trend? Are people clicking through to the right place from your social posts⁠ — like a campaign page or your website?

Without stats, it’s difficult to create a strategy, let alone justify one. Without figures, you won’t know what’s working (and what isn’t). And you certainly can’t tailor and refine your content reactively, or know whether you’re even reaching the right audience. While all good business people have a gut feeling about what’s popular or what the next money-maker might be, it doesn’t mean we’re always right. So, the best way to gauge this is through analysing real numbers ⁠— and the best way to do that is through a Social Media Manager.

3. You haven’t a clue how to plan a strategy

As the saying goes, fail to plan, plan to fail. Using solid figures and real social media insights, your Social Media Manager can create a tailored plan that’s on-budget, on-brand, on-goal and⁠ — most importantly⁠ — on the right platforms. That way, you’ll reach the right people with the right messaging, too.

Social Media Managers are digital marketing professionals, often with years of experience in their chosen field, and solid knowledge and understanding of what makes people⁠ — and social platforms ⁠— tick. All of these points can help feed into your strategy, and develop it further.

4. You have no experience of paid ads

This is a huge part of any successful social media strategy: digital billboards that point the way to your website or campaign page (and therefore your products, services and treatments). Paid social can cover things like targeting a sub-demographic; creating sponsored posts; and even working with brand partners, like affiliates and influencers. But each platform runs paid ads slightly differently, with different requirements.

Paid ads are great for testing the waters for a new campaign, speedily advertising a new treatment before you’ve had chance to roll-out an organic strategy,

Contact Cosmetic Digital today

As a digital marketing agency in Nottingham, we’ve got a team of experts working behind the scenes for clients in the healthcare, aesthetics and dental sectors. These include:

  • SEO Executives
  • Content Specialists
  • Social Media Managers
  • Web Developers
  • Web Designers

…And more. Every day, our Social Media Managers create, run and analyse campaigns across a variety of social channels for a range of clients. And every day, we use the same insights to run our own successful business.

Get in touch with our digital marketing experts today via our contact page or call 01159 140640.