Dr Kieren Bong runs Essence Medical, an internationally-renowned cosmetic clinic in Glasgow. Keiren came to us wanting a new website that would focus on his expertise and all the treatments that he does.

Throughout the website, we considered the best ways to demonstrate Dr Keiren Bong’s position as a leading expert in his field and to build trust for this medically-led clinic.

Each page includes before and after images of patients, as well as videos from workshops run by Dr Keiren Bong at conferences and symposiums around the world; we also included plenty of testimonials.

To further build trust and authority, every treatment page provides website visitors with lots of information to help them understand how the treatment works. This is presented in an engaging way that makes it easy for people to identify where they can get the information they’re looking for.

There are pictures and videos of Dr Bong carrying out treatments throughout the website. We also included logos from some of the leading publications in which Keiren has been featured.

Visit www.essencemedical.co.uk