You will no doubt have heard of Chat GPT in recent months. You may have even used it. But within a digital marketing context, have you managed to leverage its capabilities to make your aesthetics or dental business run more efficiently? Here at Cosmetic Digital, we embrace new technologies and Chat GPT has particularly excited us. We have already begun to perform tests on it to see how we can improve the service we provide to our clients.

What is Chat GPT and how is it used?

Chat GPT is a cutting-edge technology that utilises artificial intelligence to mimic real human conversation and written language. Theoretically, it can reduce the need for human staff to speak to your customers. But knowing how to use it efficiently, and get the sort of exceptional results it promotes, is key to its successful implementation. Our experienced team recognises the potential of AI and understands how to get the most out of it, so we’re going to give you an insight into the sort of problems AI and Chat GPT can solve for your business.

More efficient digital marketing and SEO with AI

When you want to see what your main competitor is up to, you look at their website, right? For example, you might want to check if the clinic up the road is selling facials, or smile makeovers, at the same price as you! AI software is capable of analysing all the websites of your industry, in just a few seconds, and handing a report to you. It can give you an idea of how well your business is doing globally, not just within the 5 square miles of your aesthetics clinic or dental practice! And it’s not just your market research that can be completed in a fraction of the time. AI can help businesses optimise their SEO strategies to make them more efficient!

Once this new AI has compared your website to everyone else’s in your sector, it can advise you on any Google-blocking duplicate web content your website may contain, and even advise you of the most effective Google ads you could use, based on past successful adverts. The aim, of course, would be to help your latest advert achieve the greatest amount of enquiries, for the lowest possible paid ad price. Impressive huh?!

AI web content that reads like natural human writing

So, let’s imagine that your AI software has detected any problematic duplicate content on your website. Its next task will then be to provide you with fresh, original copy, that can’t be found anywhere else on the web. This content will help you avoid penalties from search engines, that can hurt your website’s search ranking and send you to the bottom of Google.

It can also perform keyword research before it writes your new content. This will ensure that your web presence is as relevant to your industry as possible. If your flagship treatment is ‘tooth whitening’ or ‘dermal fillers’, your content will accurately reflect that. And when potential customers write ‘tooth whitening’ or ‘dermal fillers’ into search, there should be a better chance of them finding you!

How Chat GPT can improve your customer service

The benefits that AI and Chat GPT can provide don’t stop at content. They can’t also help you with the design of your website, your media, your meta-descriptions, and of course your customer service.  Chat GPT chatbots are designed to understand natural language, respond to queries, and even engage in small talk. These bots can be programmed to answer frequently asked questions, guide customers through a purchase process, or provide technical support. They can also be integrated with other technologies such as voice assistants to provide a seamless customer experience.

With the help of Chat GPT technology, businesses can improve their customer service, reduce response times, and increase customer satisfaction. If you’re still scheduling your consultations over the phone, then you could be missing out on an opportunity to let clients schedule their appointments automatically through your website, whenever they want. Even when you’re fast asleep in bed, your hard-working chatbots will still be talking to customers, answering queries, and booking appointments. They’ll be selling your services on your behalf!

Chat GPT can even help you with your budgets

Chatbots can even assist in creating and managing budgets, providing real-time updates on spending and forecasting future expenses. This can help your aesthetics or dental business make informed decisions regarding your advertising spending and adjust your budget accordingly.

Chat GPT can also assist in optimizing Google Ads campaigns, providing insights on keywords, ad placement, and targeting options. With the help of Chat GPT, your business can streamline its advertising efforts and maximize its ROI, without human intervention.

What can’t Chat GPT do?

  • Chat GPT can only provide scripted responses and can’t handle complex queries or situations. This means it can’t replace human interaction entirely and may not be suitable for businesses that require personalized customer service.
  • Because Chat GPT relies on data to generate responses, it may not be able to provide accurate answers for new or uncommon queries. For this reason, Chat GPT may not be suitable for businesses that require strict control over their brand messaging or have specific tone guidelines.
  • Finally, Chat GPT does not link to its sources. This means it has the potential to provide information from sources that you would prefer not to use, or that have the potential to be inaccurate. A statistic that states there have been 3 million successful Invisalign smiles completed nationwide, could turn out to be just 30 thousand for instance, depending on where the information is drawn from. Without stating sources on your web copy, you may be held accountable for providing inaccurate information to customers.

What will the future of Chat GPT look like?

As we write this, Chat GPT is already evolving. GPT 4 is designed to be significantly larger than GPT 3, which means it will be able to process more information and generate more accurate responses. This, in turn, could have a positive impact on SEO rankings, as search engines tend to favour sites with high-quality content. Additionally, GPT 4 may be able to generate more diverse content types, such as video and audio, which could further enhance a site’s SEO profile. GPT 4 has the potential to take SEO and content creation to a whole new level!

We fully expect Chat GPT to continue progressing into becoming more and more invaluable for informing marketing strategies and improving business operations. This isn’t something to feel nervous about. With an aesthetics and dental industry AI-whisperer at your side, you’re in a position to receive a super-charged digital marketing service. Why not take advantage of this moment and give us a call; while everyone else is left floundering, trying to stop the Chatbot from giving their clients unwanted error messages?