Dentists nationwide are expanding their services to include facial aesthetics. This integration leverages the dentist’s deep understanding of oral-facial structures, positioning them perfectly for offering treatments like Botox and fillers. Today we’re going to look at how you can integrate the facial aesthetics and dental sections of your website to maximum growth effect. We want to help you get more website visitors and conversions for your online content.

Whether you’ve recently started offering facial aesthetics treatments from your dental practice, or you’re only now getting around to promoting the aesthetics services you’ve been offering for a while on your website, we can help. We understand that it isn’t simply the case of adding webpages and instead, requires a nuanced approach. You don’t want your facial aesthetics treatments to put off potential or existing dental patients, but rather attract new facial aesthetics patients, who might also be interested in using your dental services. Here are our top tips:

Create a dedicated section for facial aesthetics on your dental website

Creating a separate section on your dental practice website for facial aesthetic treatment pages is a good strategic move. This approach allows you to leverage existing Google traffic to your site, offering a quicker route to meaningful traffic and enquiries. Before this can happen, new content specific to facial aesthetics must be developed and added to the site.

Optimise your facial aesthetics web pages for SEO

Give each of your flagship aesthetic treatments, such as Botox and fillers, a dedicated page. This is vital for both user experience and SEO. Then, each of these treatment pages should optimised for a relevant keyword eg ‘Anti-wrinkle injections’ or ‘dermal fillers’ as well as be personalised for your practice. Ask yourself what is your practice USP and how do you apply it to facial aesthetic services as well as dental products. The purpose of this is not just to stand out from the crowd, but also to signal just how original your online content is to Google. This should push you higher up the Google search rankings. Additionally, make sure you link your website to your social media accounts, such as Facebook and Instagram, to drive traffic and engage with a wider audience.

At the same time, you should also make yourself aware of current SEO guidelines, so that you don’t breach them and get penalised by Google – eg where and when you should and shouldn’t use the word ‘Botox.’ The Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP), in collaboration with the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), has set forth guidelines, particularly concerning the advertising of prescription-only medicines (POMs), such as botulinum toxin.  If you’re not aware of the restrictions, our team at Cosmetic Digital will happily talk you through how to remain SEO and advertising-compliant.

Add content to your aesthetic treatment pages that shows off your expertise and authority

Patient testimonials, and before and after photos of successful cases are important. Sharing these experiences on your website and social media platforms illustrates the positive impact of your treatments on patients’ lives. It’s a signal to your aesthetic treatment customers that although you are well respected for your dental expertise, you also have experience and training in Botox and fillers. Bear in mind that using custom photos of your actual patients’ treatments will lend you more credibility than using stock images.

If your practice boasts excellent reviews or has won awards, ensure these accolades are prominently displayed on each treatment page. This boosts credibility without requiring users to search for it. Staff bios and explainer videos will also highlight your authority in the aesthetics field. As well as displaying existing reviews, encourage satisfied patients to leave reviews on popular platforms such as Google, Facebook, and Yelp. This not only enhances your practice’s reputation but also serves as a powerful tool for attracting new patients.

Monitor and measure the performance of your website

Marketing analytics tools can help you understand which of your web pages is driving the best results and why. Knowing this can help you improve the optimisation of less-well-performing pages.  A strategic approach to measuring the success of your website should enable enhanced practice visibility in Google Search and website visitor engagement.

The easiest way to ensure that showcasing your facial aesthetic treatments alongside your dental services achieves the desired impact without risking the loss of potential customers is to outsource this integration. Partnering with digital marketing pioneers like Cosmetic Digital can make all the difference, enabling you to get it right the first time and start growing your customer base from day one.

As the demand for comprehensive aesthetics and dental care continues to rise, aligning with seasoned experts in digital marketing can significantly enhance your practice’s visibility, engagement, and ultimately, its success in the evolving landscape of dental services. Give us a call to have a chat about how we can help you best market both the facial aesthetics and dental sides of your business online.